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Updated: May 11, 2021

People often do not want to think about death, but having those sensitive documents such as a Will; Power of Attorney (POA); and other sensitive documents are a must!

What is Estate Planning?

Estate planning is the process of preparing and arranging, during one's life, for the management and disposal of one's estate (assets) in the event the person becomes incapacitated and or after death. While preparing to cross over may seem scary, you have total control! The ultimate goal of estate planning can only be determined by the specific goals of the estate owner and that may be as simple or complex as the owner's wishes and needs directs.

Why do I need a will or power of attorney (POA)?

Preparing your will and other documents in advance provides your family with peace of mind.

Need a will, power of attorney( POA) or other sensitive documents?

Contact Watts Legal Firm at (210) 605-2224 or visit to schedule your strategy session today!


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